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STM32f469 - ADC accuracy

Hello , We are interfacing Analog Accelerometer with STM32f469. Attached here ADC interface hardware and ADC firmware (configuration) for your reference . Problem is Accuracy with ADC values. The ADC values are varying approximately 30mV . Can anyone...

BSR by Associate II
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STM32 internal ADC for reading temperature.

/*I want to read stm32 temperature using ADC1 with timer 2 configured. I am getting temperature reading as 60 degrees when I configured ADC1->SQR3=16; and -275 degrees when ADC1->SQR3=18; Is any thing wrong? */   #include "stm32f4xx.h" //...

0690X00000Arun6QAB.png 0690X00000ArunFQAR.png
Kumar B by Associate II
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UART Emulation on stm32f0 series?

Hello. I know that UART emulation is possible for stm32f4 series but is there any implementation for the same using stm32f0 ?Copying the same h and c source files into the project does not work as it has too many DMA dependencies and I observe the HA...

stm32 can Acknowledgment Error

I am working with stm32f04c6 microprocessor.I've already sent data with canbus. now it does not work. status (tsr) code terro bit 1 is.there is no ackCAN error status register (CAN_ESR)LEC[2:0]=011; 011: Acknowledgment Error what should i do?////can ...

Communication between two FDCAN members and a third member transmit a CAN-FRAME which the two others should ignore. The thrid member ignores FDCAN-Messages

Hello everyone,I am using the NUCLEO-144 Board with STM32H743ZI.I would like to test the FDCAN with three members. Two of them use the FDCAN. The third one is an uC which accept FDCAN but cannot do anything the message of the two others. If I send me...

MSchn.14 by Associate
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Howto: Firmware Version Handling?

I'm new at stm32 processors and have a question about firmware handling. At the moment I'm using an uint value for the firmware version and it seems not to be the correct way. So what's the right way for doing this? Is there a register where I can sa...