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I am running Thumb-2 instruction code on STM32F750N8.I am seeing non-negligible performance number variation depending on whether I insert one NOP right before a tight loop (and changing the address of each instruction by halfword). Other parts of th...
I am using STM32F7508-DK and using Ext Flash connected to QSPI. It is mapped to 0x90000000~ region which is by default covered with cache, but for some reason, it seems like it is not benefitting as much compared to on-chip SRAM or SDRAM connected wi...
Hi, I am struggling to make QSPI+Ext Flash and DMA to work for several days, but having issues.I was using BSP library for both external SDRAM (with FMC) and Flash with QSPI.However, BSP library had DMA read/write for FMC SDRAM, but not for QSPI Flas...
I am currently using Linux and compiling my project using my own Makefile, with libraries generated via STM32CubeMX from my Windows machine. I am trying to use CMSIS's arm_mat_mult_f32() function but it is not working. I suspect I am passing the wron...
I am working with STM32F&508-DISCO, which is said to have external Flash of size 16MB connected through QSPI. I am trying to read from it, but it is not working.I tried running this:
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