HAL Example how to read VBAT pin for low voltage
I have a capacitor connected and need an example of HAL function that read register which signal that VBAT pin if low level of voltage detected.Thank you.
I have a capacitor connected and need an example of HAL function that read register which signal that VBAT pin if low level of voltage detected.Thank you.
Want to use SWD pins as GPIO pins.
Hi,I'm receiving characters in polling mode on USART2 in an STM32L476VG.The USART is set up and enabled. I have set the timeout period using LL_USART_SetRxTimeout(USART2, 30000);ie 3 seconds at 9600 baud.My Get Char routine is as follows:int8_t AquaG...
I have a board using an STM32F407VGT6 that draws excessive current from the backup battery for the RTC when board power is bleeding down. The board is powered by 24VDC and bucked to +5V with an LDO used to generate the +3.3V power for the STM32. A ...
Hi,I am working on a fairly complex setup. I have a need for a fair bit of SDRAM and also potentially a lot ofstorage. So i would like to use NAND FLASH. I also have some small QSPI memory for system profiles and firmware updates etc.My MCU is the ST...
Hello,I am using I2C on STM32F part STM32F407VG.I have taken example code from https://github.com/PaxInstruments/STM32CubeF4/tree/master/Projects/STM32F4-Discovery/Examples/I2C/I2C_TwoBoards_ComITThe I2C configuration for STM32F as slave are followin...
I have a curious problem on a board that uses STM32F103c8t6 and and it's stopping working after using it for a few days. This problem happens in 20% of my boards.The voltage on the VDD is 3.3V. NRST reset does not work. After disconnecting the power ...
i have Two stm32f030k6t6 board . so i want to program one stm32f030k6t6 board as a master device and second stm32f030k6t6 board as a slave .so how to configuration slave module address and Read byte and Write byte ??
Hi,I would like to get some clarification on the maximum STM32G4 ADC clock frequency. In the STM32G473xB datasheet (DS12712 Rev 2), on page 138 it shows a max fADC of 60 MHz for Range 1, single ADC operation. What exactly is meant by "single ADC oper...
hello !I work on the STM32F746G Discovery Board and I want to configure the PHY layer using STM32cubeMX , (KEIL / IAR ) for ethernet data exchanging.Can anyone help me to solve this problem?thanks !