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About STM32F103; Timer and Encoder

Hi Colleagues,I am just trying STM32F103 using Encoder in TIM3. I am able to count the pulses and direction ; prima facie it looks fine.I am using the STM32 CubeIDE for configuring the parameters. I have a few questions though :1) I need to compute t...

TFern by Associate III
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Resolved! Not able to send 8-bit data on SPI.

I am learning bare-metal programming on STM32F411RE (Nucleo board). I am trying to implement a SPI driver.Reference manualEven though I have set the Data Frame Format to 8-bit, My SCK consists of 16 clock cycles. Sending 8 bit data on this has weird ...

0690X00000DC8Y2QAL.png 0690X00000DC8YRQA1.png
KSchr.11 by Associate II
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MCU is STM32H743ZI. When QUADSPI working in AutoPolling mode,Setting the ABORT bit in the QUADSPI_CR, Why SR.BUSY bit stall high? BUSY don't goes low forever!But according to referrence manual,"In automatic-polling mode, BUSY goes low only after the ...

CAiwe.1 by Associate
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F7 QSPI issue

What kind of reason would the DR register read the same on subsequent calls in release build?If I don't add __NOP()'s in there, the registers read the same and the FIFO doesn't get emptied.Micro is STM32F769NIstatic uint32_t drvInit(void) { uint32...

_EFrie by Senior
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Resolved! Did I brick my board? I'm trying to understand low power mode, and ran the code below and now can't connect to st link.

/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin (PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1); gotoSleep(); /* USER CODE END 2 *// * @brief void gotoSleep(void) * * @retval None */void gotoSleep(void){    HAL_Delay(1000);    HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();    SystemClock_Config();}

PAngl.14 by Associate II
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Circular DMA bursts

I use circular DMA with a buffer of size n (on a G431) to create bursts that are not necessarily equal to a multiple of n in size. This works fine, I start and stop a timer and end up somewhere in the DMA buffer array (say, at buffer[m] where 0<=m<n)...

MarcelH by Associate II
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