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STM32F051R8T6 Voltage Problem

Recently, I had a strange problem when I used the stm32fo51r8t6 board from the previous class. I tested the 5V and 3V pins in it, but there was a module that can supply me normally (3V normal, 5V) Not long), I would like to say if the students who ha...

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HChen.23 by Associate
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Resolved! Programming stm32 using another mcu

Posted on February 07, 2017 at 10:06Hi,My project include two MCU with nrf51822 and STM32. I'm upgrading STM32 application firmware by nrf51822 using UART. I'm very new for stm32 world so i don't know what and all modifications need to be perform at...

sudhan j by Associate II
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I am using an stm32h753 MCU and I want to use an SPI Master to receive data from adc without writing. The ADC sends the data when it is activated with CS signal. My problem is that I receive only FF from the slave Do You have any advice on this?

Here is the setup of the SPI: (SPI Clock is checked with the datasheet and it is valid, as well as clock phase and clock polarity.  hspi2.Instance = SPI2; hspi2.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; hspi2.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; hspi2.Init.Data...

Angelos1 by Associate II
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Anyone had an issue with memory corruption using PSRAM?

We have an existing bare metal environment using STM32F446ZET6 and 8MB of SRAM which works fine, hundreds of examples in the field.A new smaller version of this platform uses PSRAM, namely IS66WVC4M16ECLL.We are getting memory corruption issues we ca...

i2 by Associate II
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