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Hi everyone,I have a broblem regarding USART in overrun occurrence.In effect the "HAL_UART_IRQHandler" routine is called every incoming char, but this never calls callback routine (SYS_UART_RxCpltCallback).In debug mode I can see there is an USART_IS...
Hello.I implemented a routine using HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program to save data in internal EEPROM.It works fine, but in debug mode, when HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program is called, a message of "Target is not responding, retrying..." is shown.Is it an...
Hi,I'm tring to set low power mode in an STM32L031 MCU, using a NUCLEO 32 for evaluation first.Now my aim is to set MCU in a low power mode, only checking some digital pins during this state.Anyway, I switched off analogs and LPUART beforw invoking  ...
Hi everyone,I'm developing a new one project using STM32L031K6T MCU.It's mandatory to use a simple low cost device for massive production.Now flash memory is almost totally consumed.I'm tring to use compiling optimisations to reduce program dimension...
Hello everybody,I have some problems with Dfuse Demo recently.No changes in my device hardware.In 2 PCs using Win10, Dfuse stopped work.In other PCs using Win7 continue working correctly.Have some tips for me?Thanks in advance  Diego