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Forum Posts

STM32F769 EVAL DMA for TIM2 PWM occurs only once, why?

I am trying to set-up a PWM with 20kHz pattern and every time the PWM is over to add a new one. I am using to start-up the DMA if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&TimHandle, TIM_CHANNEL_3, SamplingPoints, length) != HAL_OK) functionFirst time the pulse is sen...

VMoca.1 by Associate II
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ADC and DMA timing calculation

Hello,I am trying to figure out how long an ADC in dual mode and DMA will run to take 24000 samples. I cannot get any proper values. My init at startup:bitset(SCB->ConfigCtrl, bit9); // set STKALIGN in NVIC bitset(SCB->AIRCR, (0x5FA<<16)|(...

machinist by Associate III
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STM32F103C8Tx ADC count

Hello for my project I need 10 diffrent ADC's. I am planning to use STM32F103C8Tx for this project. In the dahasheet of it, "There are 2 ADC's with 16 external channels are available" information was given. So what I want to know is that, what is the...

GunkutA by Senior
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UART RX FIFO not working

I can’t seem to get the FIFO to work on the RX side. TX works fine.Seems as if the FIFO isn't used. If I interrupt on the "RX not empty" event and read the data, it works fine. But as soon as I want to interrupt on any FIFO event, I never get the int...

ROost.1 by Associate
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Data Collision between USART and SPI.

I my project I use UART 1 and 2 and SPI 1 and 2.When I send data via UART 1 using the function "HAL_UART_Transmit_IT (....)" and the second line in code I use the function "HAL_SPI_Transmit (....)" the data received from the UART 1 is incorrect, th...

DAvra by Associate II
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External Interrupt in STM32F103C8T6

I am using STM32F103C8T6(Blue Pill) with STM32IDE.> I am trying to learn external Interrupt. So as a reference i am using 3 main thing. # Reference Manual # DataSheat # Cortex™-M3 Devices Generic User Guide> I wrote a code for this. I made changes...

Resolved! STM32F4-Not seeing an I2C signal

Hi, I'm using an STM32F429 MCU and trying to connect to a sensor through I2C. However, I measured both I2C pins with an oscilloscope and they were not showing any clock pulse or a signal. Here's my code for initiation:void MX_I2C1_Init(void) { hi...

JYang.4 by Associate
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