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STM32F103 Npulses example

Hello. In order to drive a stepper motor with CanBus, I want driver a L6208. I would use a timer to generate Npulses. I've read AN4776 (General-purpose timer cookbook ) but I don't understand somethink, I can't run the timer.Any people have example c...

jihzed by Associate II
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I'm using 4 ADC channels and sending the data to a DMA buffer. The data from the different channels are interfering with each other and i'm not sure why. The goal is to read from PA0, PA1, PA4, and PA5 at the same time. so i may going about it wrong.

my data for this looks like the following without giving inputPA0 PA1 PA4 PA50 250 216 190I expect this PA0 PA1 PA4 PA50 0 0 0and when i start giving channel PA0 data wit...

Paulset by Associate II
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Resolved! Push button problem on STM32F407G-DISC1 board

What is wrong with my code? The code never hits the turn on led part when I press the B1-USER1 button. From the board manual there is a LED on PD13 and the user push button on PA0.#include "stm32f4xx.h"     GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitDef;   int main(v...

Test User by Associate III
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STM32L4 entering and exiting Sleep mode

I can’t understand how to enter and exit sleep mode. Can someone share an example of how to enter and exit sleep mode on the L4 series? I use ADC + DMA + TIM and I want to go to sleep mode, and after the interruption comes from DMA, I want the microc...