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It appears when MX or Debugging, but disappears when I turn into C/C++ Mode.What should I do to solve this problem without re-install?
It appears when MX or Debugging, but disappears when I turn into C/C++ Mode.What should I do to solve this problem without re-install?
Can I remove the on board display and use the Newhaven display with this development board?
Hi , Our project is includes one of STMicroelectronics MCU in our product .We are R&D team which includes HW and Embedded SW Developers.The main component of one of our product includes MCU STM32L4R5 and NAND flash memory MT29F4G08ABAFAWP (Memory). T...
I discovered that Ethernet module on the nucleo-H743zi generates a lot of interference for analog domain. I thought, that if peripheral devise was not configured in the software and was not given explicit permition to run, it should stay in power do... true challenge for ST of course is to stop experimenting with "communities" and get a decent forum software.(In case ST would not get it, this post does not show up in the posts list, even if it's ta...
Hello all I ajust trying to measure the curreent of my circuit in standby mode i wrote a small code that wake up the mcu from RTC alarm A ad then go in standbye modewhen i download the program the program works ok , it wakeup every 10 seconds fro...
I was trapped when switching chip code to STM32F303, my SPI always send more unexpected 6 zero bits before my data. diagram below shows the detail.The problem occurs when you enable SPI while SCK is high. My SPI works in CHPA and slave mode, I haven...