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Forum Posts

TIM1: can I change Dead Time on the fly ?

I need to change the dead time of the TIM1 complementary outputs cycle by cycle. What is the behavior if I just overwrite the DTG[7:0] value during a cycle: does it change the actual dead time of the next cycle? or the current?Thank you in advance.

JMED.1 by Associate
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STM32L432KC I want to read ADC values using DMA. The problem is that I don't get any value in my array. I would like to do with HAL_ADC_PollForConversion, but doesn't work correctly it seems to read only one channel.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "main.h"#include "fatfs.h"/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*//* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */#include "fatfs_sd.h"#inc...

RIzqu.1 by Associate II
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What are the benefits of high input clocks in FDCAN?

Hello, everyone!I am a user of STM32H753. I was looking at VOS to determine the CLK speed of STM32H753 and suddenly I wondered.What are the benefits of high system clocks?What are the benefits of high CAN input clocks? Does CAN operate faster when th...

Ekim.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! AN4667 equivalent for H7 and various performance queries

Is there any equivalent document on performance for the H7?I'm trying to do some final performance tuning on an applications and struggling to implement some of the ideas in AN4667For example:page 127 of the H7 reference manual shows that FMC SDRAM b...

PMath.4 by Senior III
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Resolved! STM32F0 memory model - where can I save data in flash ?

Hello,I want to save data in flash memory of a STM32F0 using HAL library :HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, 0x20000000, data); HAL_FLASH_Lock();I don't know which address is allowed to store user data in flash.Here is the ...

ValentinG by Associate II
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Resolved! Anyone know of a Nucleo pin-out print utility?

I'm creating code for an STM32L073 that will connect to another system. The final boards are not done yet (and will not be for a while) so we have a Nucleo board that we will be wired into the demo board for the system. I made a spreadsheet with the ...

mreed by Associate III
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Duty cycle on Timers

I was reading in "Mastering STM32" and in the intro of PWM pulses (pg355 hard copy) said that "The square waves generated until now have all one common characteristic: they have a Ton period equal to the Toff one. For this reason they are also said t...

hello, im using stm32f446re nucleo board for practice and i have configure the board for SPI communication. i did the program for the 8bit and 16bit DFF. Now i using HMC767 PLL as a salve device whos register size is different from that of nucleo board.

i dont know how to send variable size data evrytime. The HMC Mode protocol for the serial port is designed for a 4 wire interface with a fixed protocol featuringa. 1 Read/Write bitb. 6 Address bitsc. 24 data bitsplease need yout help on how to send >...
