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Forum Posts

i2C Slave comunication in STM32F103C8

Hi again, everybody. I appreciate that you can help me, I do not speak English so I am using the google translator, any detail you need to help me I will give you with pleasure. I have been trying to program a STM32F103 card as a slave in i2c communi...

VGonz.1 by Associate
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Trouble getting I2C Communication Working on STM32F0

Hi there, I'm pretty new to handling I2C communication protocols and could use some help in figuring stuff out. I've been attempting to get two STM32f042k6 boards to communicate with one another but my master device doesn't seem to receive any of the...

kipro_9 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L476Disco and USART1

Hello guys. Can anybody explain me how to use USART1 in STM32L476Disco?I mean that PA9 and PA10 did not soldered, but page 27 of user manual has info about COM1 and COM2 on these pins. And of course I have removed display from a slot, and tried all p...

AKarp.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Controller reset every 500 ms periodically

I am working on stm32f429 and micro controller reset every 500 ms, iwdg is not active but, it seems, it is activated by hardware or something which force cpu reset. How can i get rid of this?Please help, BR,

MHaji.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Problem about APB1 Clock Configuration for Timer

Hi Everyone ! I have a problem for calculating timer for 1ms. I attached configuration for clock and timer.As I understand Timer2 uses APB1 Clock Bus but for timer it will be APB1x2 if APB1 prescaler is not " 1 "So when I use Prescaler 59999 for 60Mh...

CTR.1 by Associate II
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