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Hello,I have a mixed signal application in development, a home energy monitor, and following on from the recent PCB version's test results on the effects of noise, and after reading this article, I've decided to separate my digital and analog ground,...
Hi, I'm using Cube and Makefile.I'd like a clearer run through of how to make use of the sqrt f32 function in arm_math.h.. The header doco says to copy the header to Include, done.. Then link the Lib for big/little endian. Here's where I'm stuck, how...
I'd like to set the counter of huart2.hdmarx->Instance->CNDTR;To reset the buffer index.How is this done?nevermind. The peripheral required disabling first it seems.huart2.hdmarx->Instance->CCR &= ~DMA_CCR_EN; // disablehuart2.hdmarx->Instance->CNDTR...
I'm in the early stages of a project involving SPI. I need to send data to an stm32f303, from an rPi.I also need to detect, from the rPi, a GPIO based interrupt to then go read from the stm32.rPi is master, stm32 is slave.Can anyone recommend a helpf...
Minor bug, CubeMX v4.27.0.How can the Makefile retain the -Og flag I set, as opposed to Cube defaulting the value to -O3 each time I regenerate code?
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