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SPI issues while trying to communicate with ILI9341. Only 0 comes in over miso and FRLVL decreases without reading from the dataregister.

For a couple of days now I have been trying to get some visuals on a ILI9341 LCD screen.I'm working on a STM32F723E-DISCOVERY board. The LDC screen works with an 8080 controller. According to the manual of the device the internal IM bits define wethe...

Zeron by Associate III
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STM32F4 disco TIM1 PWM DMA mode not work.

i want to generate variable duty PWM using TIM1 & DMA but it not work.uint16_t variable_duty[10] = {0,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000};   HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1,TIM_CHANNEL_1,(uint32_t*)variable_duty,10); HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&hti...

Inline Assembler: which constraint for double parameters?

Hi,I want to use a double precision input parameter for an inline assembler function, for exampleint32_t Double2Long(double a) {   int32_t c;   asm (      "   vcvtr.s32.f64 s0,%[in]      \n\t"      "   vmov      %[out],s0      \n\t"      : [out] "=r"...

HScha.1 by Associate
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How to De-init the SysTick clock?

Hello,Currently, I'm working on a project in which the boat-loader is already present. Now, in the boat-loader, there are several things which I'm not using i.e Systick clock, DMA etc. So, I want to De-init all the unnecessary peripherals to run the ...

Resolved! STM32H753. Stranger things...

For a hour I'm breaking my head. How it this possible? What's going here?unsigned max_prio = 5; __set_BASEPRI(max_prio); __DSB(); __ISB(); uint32_t basep = __get_BASEPRI(); printf("basepri=%u\n", basep); //>>>>>>>>>>>> it prints 0 !  Using the At...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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Are EXTI flag bits sticky?

I have an EXTI interrupt with a shared handler, EXTI15_10_IRQHandlerNormally there should be only pin 15 interrupt.So I did this:void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void) { if ((EXTI_D1->PR1 & (1<<15)) != 0) { my_handler(); EXTI_D1->PR1 = ...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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RC Radio PWM signal, problems reading

Hi,Im trying to resurrect this project from 2015 (Software AWD control for RC Cards using 4x brushless motors): built his VS2013 solution and got all that side working fine. However, next is to determin...

ADevi.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7A3RIT when?

Can anyone from ST let me know when and if the STM32H7A3RIT (64-pin part) will be available. This is an important part that can be extremely useful in a large range of applications allowing much smaller form factor for the application than the parts...

PMath.4 by Senior III
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