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Hi everyone,First, here is my set up:computer: windows 10uC: STM32F030K6T6flashing/debugging hardware tool: ST LINK v2 ( from nucleo board)I have noticed that it takes almost 30 secs to do same operation using CLI (wether directly launching a batch f...
Hi,I have read (STL32CubeMonitorWiki)  how to opitmize the speed acquisition.As a conclusion, it is written that we can reach 1 000Hz for a single variable. Dumb question: is it the maximum or could it still be improved ?I'd like to reach 40 000Hz (w...
Hello,I am working on a custom board using a STM32F030K6T6. We are already in production and on like 15 parts over 4000, after that the product passed the electrical tests in production, and most of the time, after then, we tested it manually using ...
Hello,On a pcb on which there is the STM32F030K6T6, I am facing a strange issue.First, the context is that I am using different timers, interruptions, DMA, UART, analog inputs and digital outputs (PWM, ON/OFF signals).2 of the i/o's are concerned by ...
Hello,My company is using since more than one year the HTS221 component, in several thousands of units.On really few parts, we observe that the HTS221 sensor is stuck in a not ready state: we request its status before reading its output data register...