I have problems with power consumption. In standby power consumption seems to we be way over the documented ~1,97 uA. Current codes gives consumption around 300 uA. Is there something more that needs to be taken into account when putting the CPU to s...
Hi all,I'm using STM32G431, the opamp1 and opamp2 are set as follows:the generated codes: hopamp1.Instance = OPAMP1; hopamp1.Init.PowerMode = OPAMP_POWERMODE_NORMAL; hopamp1.Init.Mode = OPAMP_PGA_MODE; hopamp1.Init.NonInvertingInput = OPAMP_N...
Hello, im facing a problem when i try to program the chip, im using the eclipse ide and a cheap stlink debugger, the most common error is this:adapter speed: 24000 kHzadapter_nsrst_delay: 100Info : clock speed 24000 kHzInfo : STLINK v2 JTAG v34 API ...
How to change NRST pin to a interrupt input pin on the G031?
Hello to everyone. I am teaching an embedded system lab courses and this is our first year with a STM32F767ZI Nucleo board. We are at a point where we want to exploit the on-board temperature sensor to generate some input data. In our first experienc...
Are you aware of ST problems with this Step 4 version.We think, that the driver can not go to Low Level
I have made a code for PWM for STM32F407. It is working fine for generating PWM.1. Currently what happens is I have made a PWM period of 5seconds in total.2. Suppose in code I call TIM_SetCompare2(TIM9 , 32767), now outout will be 2.5 seconds on & 2....
I have tried to get ADC results from 8 different chanels on 3 ADC's using DMA so that the fresh values are always avaliable to me on STM32F303I used Cube MX to configure the ADC's and DMA's. After initisalization I did: HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (u...