voltage regulator
where is BYPASS_REG pin of voltage regulator in stm32f407vgt6 and how it was enabled and disabled?
where is BYPASS_REG pin of voltage regulator in stm32f407vgt6 and how it was enabled and disabled?
Hello community! My mcu is STM32H743IIT6 tqsp176 from blue waveshare board. I create a new project from Cube with HAL. Then I make the simplest flashing cycle of the LED:volatile unsigned long x = 0; while (1) { while (x++ < 2000000) {} x =...
I am configure w5100 using spi.but at the time of reading its show wrong data.Refer Code link: https://www.carminenoviello.com/2015/08/28/adding-ethernet-connectivity-stm32-nucleo/
Hello,i am using a Nucleo - F411RE board and i want to create a sine wave with an external DAC (mcp4922). So i initialized a SPI connection to send my sine wave table to the external DAC. The frequency of the ouput sine wave should have 40 KHz. At ...
Hello Forum,I am new to STM32 but familiar with MCUs. My Problem is the SPI interface.In the datasheet there is a figure (figure 277 of document RM0091) where all four possible combination of CPOL/CPHA are shown. There is also the signal nss in the f...
1. Array of bytes? Read and write between CPUs.2. Peripheral allocations to CPU1 or CPU2? Should allocation of peripherals handled by only one CPU? What will happen if both CPU's are asking for same peripheral. How to handle this scenario.
Am facing problem while receiving file from PC as YMODEM protocol, Am just using ymodem.c an d ymodem.h file fromIAP library i have modified the code, but am not receiving Header packet only(SOH or STX), please help as soon as possible am struck here...
Hi Guys,I am newbie to STM32 family. I am currently building an application to collect ADC sensor data and operate a motor using PWM signal. I used example code to play around with it. I initialized ADC , configured the channel, and calibrated befor...
After successful test on STM32f401RE I moved my design on STM32F071 for cost reasons.I am using UART1 and UART3 first set to 9600 and second set to 115200.But on PC I can see the data only if it is set to 4800 and 57600.At the beginning used interna...
what is the role of voltage regulator in stm32f407vgt6 and how it works..that means already VDD is supplyng 1.8V and again what is the need of suplying 1.2V and how it works i want to know exact operation of it in stm32f407vgt6