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Resolved! WFE examples required for stm32 family?

Hello ,I would like to get some examples for WFE based sleep . In stm32cube examples, i see that most of them are like WFI based examples. Request someone to help me with this information. Thanks in advance.Regards,Vinoth

STM32H745 DMA Mem-to-Mem inter-core data transfer

I would like to perform DMA based memory to memory transfer between cores with interrupt generation on Transfer Complete. To start of with the project i used Demo code (STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0 -> Projects -> NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q-> Demonstrations) added mem...

Madhan by Associate II
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License talk

​After playing around with CubeMX for a while and looking at the generated code and at the SLA0044 Ultimate Liberty Lisence where ofcourse the question comes to mind what ultimate liberty... really means while there is a license that comes with it......

Resolved! Bare metal STM32F767 proper powering

HelloThis is my first time soldering a MCU on a custom PCB.As you know, STM32f767 is a very complicated chip and requires Vdd and Vss on many pins. Datasheet also states that capacitors are mandatory on each Vdd or Vref+. However Vref and Vdd (marked...

0693W000000Wm87QAC.png 0693W000000Wm82QAC.png
hashtala by Associate II
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GPIO current in Standby mode

I try to run a LED with GPIO during Standby-mode. The GPIO Pin is configured as pull-up.When the MCU changes form Run-mode to Standby-mode the LED brightness reduces.The voltage is constant, so I think there is not enough current provided.Is it possi...

BKarl by Associate II
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