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Forum Posts

When setting up pins to communicate using SPI on a sensortile I changed the Pins so one is the C and one the B GPIO, how would I set this up, I haeve only seen one somewhat related thread that wasn't comparable, thanks!

GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI2_MspInit 0 */ /* USER CODE END SPI2_MspInit 0 */  /* Enable Peripheral clock */  __HAL_RCC_SPI2_CLK_ENABLE();  __HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE();    /**SPI2 GPIO Configuration     PB15   ------> SPI...

AMell.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPI interrupt too slow for SPI frequency

I need to confirm my understanding. Say that my STM32H7 SPI is setup as Slave and that it processes the incoming SPI data byte per byte in interruption. It is very likely to happen that the SPI throughput is faster than the SPI interrupt handler dura...

Gpeti by Senior II
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how CAN memory works?

Hello everyone i am using CAN bus to connect two stm32 boards, i would like to know does anyone of you know how does the CAN memory works? is it DMA or what exactly? i couldn't manage to find anyuthing on the internet and i really hope one of you can...

SGUIG.1 by Associate II
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Data transfer between CAN bus and DMA on Hal stm32F4

hello everyone, i would like to know how can i transfer data from CAN Bus to DMA memory on stm32f4 board on HAL Library?  also i want to make sure that the CAN access memory is it DMA or somethign else?can you please explain to me how? or if you hav...

SGUIG.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Rx lane not receiving

Hello, I try to make an UART communication between Nucleo STM32F030RE and a STM32F030K6 mounted on a custom pcb.sends from NUCLEO to STM32F030K6 is OKReceive from STM32F030K6 is ok sends from STM32F030K6 to NUCLEO is OK (i can check it and decode tha...

JGreg.2 by Associate III
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