2019-12-05 11:55 PM
I have chosen the STM32L07 as it has a LPUART that, from my reading, is ideal for my project where I have to communicate with an SDI12 sensor running 1200-baud 7-bits even parity. When I try and change the 209700bits/s default in the STMCubeMX to 1200 it ignores me and changes it back to the default.
Am I doing something wrong here?
2020-08-26 07:48 AM
Hi Graham1904,
You need to check your clock configuration.
1- With this conf :
=> Baud Rate must be between 512 Bits/s and 699 KBits/s. So you can set Baud Rate with 1200bits/s.
2- With this conf :
=> Baud Rate must be between 3.907 KBits/s and 5.333 MBits/s. So you can not set Baud Rate with 1200bits/s.