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Detecting when I2C bus becomes IDLE

STM32F302K8 here. According to the manual, there is a flag in the ISR to see if the bus is busy, but it does not generate an interrupt when cleared. Also the STOP condition says it is only generated while you are the master and generate it, or are ...

psusi by Associate II
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Hello All, I am using, STM32F446RE controller evaluation board. I want to count external pulses. I had set TIM2 as counter and started the counter. But the counter interrupt is not getting generated with the frequency we are setting the pulse.

Appending more details here,Configured TIM2 as counter. Below is the TIM2_INit code,static void MX_TIM2_Init(void){ TIM_SlaveConfigTypeDef sSlaveConfig = {0}; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; htim2.Instance = TIM2; htim2.Init.Prescaler = ...

TH.16.336 by Associate III
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Send 32bit data on SPI protocol

Hello,For communicating with a sensor I need to send 32 bits as a clock for my sensor. As you can see in the 8-bit data transmission an interruption occurs during sending 4 bytes which is unpleasant for my communication. I wrote a Software SPI (bit-b...

parisa by Senior
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STM32F103 ADC read voltage value difference

Hello, I am uing STM32F103 MCU and I am having a small problem with the ADC. There is a 250 mV difference between the real voltage value on a pin and the value ADC gives me. When I measure the voltage on a pin it is 900 mV. But when I print out the A...

GunkutA by Senior
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Resolved! Lowest power mode which resumes program after wake?

Hi all,I'm developing a low power sensor node using the Nucleo STM32L432KC development board, and I was wondering what the lowest power mode is from which the device can wake up and just continue operation from the next line of code after the sleep c...

MHuis.1 by Associate II
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