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Hello to all, I am using steval-stwinkt1b for a condition monitoring project. The fw that use is the default demo example of fp-cld-aws1 . I have gone step by step according to UM2186. Although when I try to connect i receive this messageAny sugg...
I am developing an application that requires over the air firmware update, but my MCU's Bootloader does not support this Task (stm32f446re). So I was thinking to do this :1)My main appllication will be located at 0x0800 0000 on the flash2) At some po...
I am using Nucleo-f446re and communicate with a server trought a GPRS telematic device ( the communication with the telematic device is through uart protocol). My average firmware size is 35kB. I can safely transmit the hex file to the MCU but I ne...