Interrupt when STM32 is in deep sleep mode
Hello, in my Application when i put my stm32 in deep sleep mode, i want to excute a task as an interrupt! is this possible ? if yes how? Thank you.
Hello, in my Application when i put my stm32 in deep sleep mode, i want to excute a task as an interrupt! is this possible ? if yes how? Thank you.
Can we use the reserved location of IVT as defined below 0x08000000__vector_table DCD sfe(CSTACK) DCD Reset_Handler ; Reset Handler DCD NMI_Handler ; NMI Handler ...
Hello Community,This post purpose is to inform you that the STM32G4 Flash is recharacterized. The Flash speed is increased from 20MHz to 34MHz in boost mode and to 30MHz in normal mode.Thus, the maximum number of wait-states is reduced from 8 to 4 w...
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Is there an LL example to enable the backup ram. This doesn't work: // Enable PWR clock LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_PWR); // Enable Backup ram clock LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_AHB1_GRP1_PERIPH_BKPSRAM); LL_APB1_GRP1_Enabl...
No permanent damage has been observed.Resetting the MCU always results in normal behavior. We are using DMA to load all ADC channels. We are capturing the ADC values in log files in an external flash IC (AT25DF321A-SH-B).There are two main types of s...
Hi everyone,I work on Data Acquisition System project. Our main controller is STM32F765VG. We used ADS131A0x A/D converter (by SPI) to sample input signal in our previous version. Now we want to replace ADS131A0x with ADS1274 (because of its higher s...
Hello I am exploring the ADC functionality of STM32F103C8T6. I connected a potentiometer to PA2 and connected an LED at PA0 as indicator. The indicator shall get activated once the potentiometer reaches the set threshold. I tried to set the maximu...
Can STM32 able to replace an old peripheral that required 8-bit parallel data bus and communicate between 8051 MCU. We can't modify the 8051 MCU and we can't use FPGA too. I know FSMC is very close solution to my case but in my situation, the STM32 i...