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Hi,I am attempting to communicate with a LAN9252 via QSPI and had success in a polling mode. I've attempted to do the same thing with MDMA setup in the CubeMX, all default settings, and was unable to achieve communciation. From the use of HAL_QSPI_Re...
Hi, I want to achieve the title's behaviour to communicate with multiple SPI sensors in the 5 SPI buses at the highest possible throughput and minimal CPU load. I first tried the following with 1 bus.void cpltCB(void); uint8_t RXBUFF[8];   void main(...
I need some ideas on solving the following bugs and shall keep updating the list as more bugs come in.BUG#001If you define ADC2 in CubeMX and use the ADC Read block in Simulink, the block forgets that it was on ADC2 and your settings will be lost upo...