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Forum Posts

Datasheet minor error found.

Hello, I have just meet a small mistake in datasheet. Stm32F103xC... DS5792 rev 13 page90, Figure 42. High/Low input voltage for Vdd=3v3 are wrong. RegardsRobert.

RnnKrk by Associate II
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How to read SPI correctly?

I use Nucleo board (STM32L053R8) to connect SPI slave. The SPI command had been sent to slave correctly, and slave also return the expected value (0x2C). But Nucleo SPI master cannot get the return data correctly. The RXNE is raised without problem, ...

LChan.5 by Associate II
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Firmware for STM32F401CC6

I got an STM32F401CC6 blackpill module.I tried to upload via Arduino IDE the demo project blink.After succefull upload the board does not work.It lights only the red led and not the blue one.Is there any way to recover it?Thank you ,Yannis

YXidi.1 by Associate II
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STM32L431 Spurious RESET on recent component batches

Hi,when i use sleep mode, i have a reset problem on STM32L431CCT6 only on recent batches.I implemented the workaround described in section 2.2.5 of dm00218224-stm32l431xx-device-errata-stmicroelectronics.pdf but without success.The problem only affec...

sroll by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F103 SPI DMA slave mode sends first byte twice

I have an STM32F103 configured in slave mode using NSS for slave select and using DMA. I'm using 8 bit mode. When the master starts clocking the STM32F103 it always shifts out the first byte in the buffer twice. So rather than seeing 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2...

LSE false enabled, PC14 wrong reading

We discovered spurious Errors (every half a year) on reading out the GPIO Pin PC14 on a STM32F427ZIT6.The Pinis not connected on the PCB itself.Is configured as Input with PullUpAnd reads in perfectly the High state from the PullUp in 99.99% of the c...

EEPROM Reads only last Write Value

Im working on stm32l4 series ,using external eeprom , eeprom writes four variables in 4 EEPROM addresses succesfully,but while reading EEPROM it only reads last (4th) variable on all 4 EEPROM address,Im try all methods adjusting delay ,EEPROM addre...

PMOHO.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Hardfault on ADC voltage change

Hello,I have a strange problem on an STM32G071. I get ADC values every 25 ms from ADC1 channel 0 to 3 without DMA as speed is no issue. Strangely when one of the canels reaches about 1.2 V the CPU sometimes goes in a hard fault lock. There is a poten...