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stm32L5 SDMMC interface as memory card

Moin, is it possible to run the stm32L5 Series mcus (or other stm32s) not in SDMMC host mode, but be used like a normal SDcard for storage?I looked over the documentation and only found host mode descriptions. I feel like I missed some details, so gr...

ChrisP by Associate II
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Problems with Initialisation of LSM6DSM and LSM303AGR during debugging of SENSORTILE (STM32L476JG) with on-Board ST-LINKV2/1 of Nucleo-F401RE

Hello all =)I am pretty much a beginner with STM32 microcontrollers and facing some, at least for me, elusive problems during debugging of the controller.I am working with the SENSORTILE, so the STM32L476JG controller, which is soldered onto the crad...

AGans.1 by Associate
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IWDG initialization Error.

In my project there is requirement to initialize the IWDG for two times one with time period 5 second in run-mode and re-configuring it for 32 second before controller enters into sleep mode. as shown in below code. hiwdg.Instance = IWDG; hiwdg.Ini...

Rghar.1 by Associate
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In STM System WorkBench : Can we use 2 different linker scripts , one for Debug Settings and one for the Release setting . Currently there is no option to exclude one linker script when switching between Release Configuration to Debug configuration

In STM System WorkBench : Can we use 2 different linker scripts , one for Debug Settings and one for the Release setting . Currently there is no option to exclude one linker script when switching between Release Configuration to Debug configuration 

Is the temperature sensor factory calibrated?

We are currently using an F4 (STM32F407IGH6) and an F3 (STM32F303VC) in our product. We want to pull the temperature sensors to get an idea of chip temp. Looking at the datasheets, the F3 data sheet explicitly states that factory calibraiton is done...

0693W000001sZdkQAE.png 0693W000001sZerQAE.png
PCicc.1 by Associate
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