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Hi,Not a question, but a bug report.Setup:TouchGFX 4.21.1Simulation on VS2022It seems that the internal variable holding the histogram bar position is not updated when the bar width is changed at execution time.Example:1- The bar width is set to 100 ...
Hi,Scaling down an histogram graph to display only one bar triggers a "(min != max)" error.I need to display from 1 to 16 bars on my histogram.I use the setGraphRangeX(int min, int max) function for this.However, when I get down to 1 bar with setGrap...
Hi,I noticed that there is a touchgfx::memset implemented in Utils.hpp.Any reason to use touchgfx::memset over the one from string.h?Thanks.
Setup:STM32H743FreeRTOSFatFs8G SD card on SDMCC1 (FAT32 formatted)Hi,I have a problem with f_open which does not work when Long File Name is enabled (_USE_LFN = 2).f_open(&MyFile, "TEST.TXT", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) == FR_OK) returns FR_INT_ERR....
Hi,I am migrating some code from an STM32F745 to an STM32H743.I came into some trouble while using the crypto library and the hardware CRC at the same time.The STM32H743 crypto library resets the CRC DR register every time AES_CBC_Decrypt_Append is c...
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