RTC in Hardware Layout
I am going to use RTC in my application to generate time stamps. I am currently using Nucelo - L412KB evaluation module. Do I need to connect any pins or add any components? Where can I find this information?
I am going to use RTC in my application to generate time stamps. I am currently using Nucelo - L412KB evaluation module. Do I need to connect any pins or add any components? Where can I find this information?
I have STM32F407 that is communicating with TFT lcd over SPI. What I am seeing with Logic Analyzer doesnt match what I am sending. I cant see the pattern, but data is consistent, so its probably some setting that is off. I tried all combinations of C...
Hi,I'm using the FLASH_Write function in order to save a table in a specific address. Once it is saved correctly I reset the board and try to change another address with the same function.The problem is that the flash_write function works at the firs...
When I used the STM32L412KB as an I2C slave. when there only one slave on the bus, all the function works well. but if there hastwo devices on the bus and continue to access one slave device, the non-addressed I2C slave will damage the SDA bus. I cap...
As STM32-MAT/TARGET does not support Cortex-M0,Mo+. So is there any option for code generation for STM32G030F6P6 from MATLAB simulink?
Hi, I have STM32F091RC board and I am using CAN interface to read CAN BUS data from car. CAN works when I am powering STM32 from USB port (U5V). When I try to power STM32 from car (with E5V port), I get error in can interface 0x000E0000.What could be...
When I try to print on the serial interface with SerialPrint function. void SerialPrint(const char *serial_data, ...) { char uartbuffer[1024]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, serial_data); uint16_t len = vsnprintf(uartbuffe...
Hi, I'm trying to understand what I'm doing wrong that the following function seems to delay by anywhere between 667ns and 5.67us even though it's being called as Delay_us(4)I'm using Nucleo STM32F446REvoid KJO_TIM6_Init(uint16_t arel) { LL_APB1_GRP...
I have a problem with PGSERR and PGPERR bits being set after reset operationI am using stm32f4 board than I am using CANBUS and FW update process.When I use serial debug print in MX_CAN1_Init function. I faced with flash erasing error. Then I analyse...
Hello everyone,I am new to the STM32 environment and I am trying to change the BOR level of STM32L452. I think I have corrupted the flash while trying to do this. And now when I try to reprogram the device it fails and gives the following error:Open ...