Is there any way to generate code for STM32G030F6P6 from MATLAB simulink?
As STM32-MAT/TARGET does not support Cortex-M0,Mo+. So is there any option for code generation for STM32G030F6P6 from MATLAB simulink?
As STM32-MAT/TARGET does not support Cortex-M0,Mo+. So is there any option for code generation for STM32G030F6P6 from MATLAB simulink?
Hi, I have STM32F091RC board and I am using CAN interface to read CAN BUS data from car. CAN works when I am powering STM32 from USB port (U5V). When I try to power STM32 from car (with E5V port), I get error in can interface 0x000E0000.What could be...
When I try to print on the serial interface with SerialPrint function. void SerialPrint(const char *serial_data, ...) { char uartbuffer[1024]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, serial_data); uint16_t len = vsnprintf(uartbuffe...
Hi, I'm trying to understand what I'm doing wrong that the following function seems to delay by anywhere between 667ns and 5.67us even though it's being called as Delay_us(4)I'm using Nucleo STM32F446REvoid KJO_TIM6_Init(uint16_t arel) { LL_APB1_GRP...
I have a problem with PGSERR and PGPERR bits being set after reset operationI am using stm32f4 board than I am using CANBUS and FW update process.When I use serial debug print in MX_CAN1_Init function. I faced with flash erasing error. Then I analyse...
Hello everyone,I am new to the STM32 environment and I am trying to change the BOR level of STM32L452. I think I have corrupted the flash while trying to do this. And now when I try to reprogram the device it fails and gives the following error:Open ...
Hello Everyone,I have a Communication (UARTs) and DMA intense application running on stm32f439z. I am getting a strange Hardfault, not very rarely, I would say one per hour average, related to a wrong address access on the bus. Not happening always...
Hii everyone,I've couple of questions. I'm using Discovery board with STM32F407VG in LQFP100 package. I want to do the boundary scan testing on it. is it possible to do boundary scan testing?is it possible to trace Embedded macro cellis it possible/H...
I set up a basic Master-Slave SPI communication interface from the STM32H750VBT to the STM32F7ZET MCUs in only one direction. And in this workspace I set my hspi2.Init.CLKPolarity configuration as SPI_POLARITY_LOW on both sides. And, as far as I know...
Hi, I am using stm32431. I config LPTIM and call HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() but return HAL_TIMEOUT and no pulses is count. When I change HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() function putting 'HAL_OK' to be return forced, the pulses is counted normally, but not i...