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Forum Posts

Data bits shifted in SPI communication on STM32L462 after repeating one successful session (consisting of NSS falling edge, 3 separated transmissions with HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive, NSS, rising edge)

Data bits are shifted on second SPI session (BSY bit stay high at the end of data transfer in slave mode) We are using STM32L462VET6, and initialize SPI2 in full duplex slave mode (CPOL=1, CPHA=2-edges) with software NSS and baudrate 960 kHz with HCL...

YVido.1 by Associate
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RTC in Hardware Layout

I am going to use RTC in my application to generate time stamps. I am currently using Nucelo - L412KB evaluation module. Do I need to connect any pins or add any components? Where can I find this information?

SPI output is wrong

I have STM32F407 that is communicating with TFT lcd over SPI. What I am seeing with Logic Analyzer doesnt match what I am sending. I cant see the pattern, but data is consistent, so its probably some setting that is off. I tried all combinations of C...

Gossamer by Associate II
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Problem with Flash_Write after a reset

Hi,I'm using the FLASH_Write function in order to save a table in a specific address. Once it is saved correctly I reset the board and try to change another address with the same function.The problem is that the flash_write function works at the firs...

Moughit by Associate III
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I2C SDA abnormal

When I used the STM32L412KB as an I2C slave. when there only one slave on the bus, all the function works well. but if there hastwo devices on the bus and continue to access one slave device, the non-addressed I2C slave will damage the SDA bus. I cap...

Haifeng by Associate II
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