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Forum Posts

Stm32F103C8T6 Custom board problems

Hi, i have some rather strange problems with my custom with an STM32F103C8 mcu on it. It is programmed via an Nucleo ST Link v2/1 and it works fine most of the time. I can load some test sketches on it via Platform IO or STM32CubeIde. But after a fe...

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TMaie.1 by Associate II
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Does STM32 has "pulse counter register"?

Hi, anyone know there is a register that can count the pulse directly on STM32H7?I know there is a timer in capture mode, it can generate interrupt when detected edge high or low. But this counter does count the period time only, does not count how m...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Unity Test Framework Usage

Hi,I wanna use Unity test framework so i cloned from github Unity files. And added my STM32CubeIDE project. And write a simple code for test but i failed when i try build project. Is there anyone know how can i implement unity and use this framework?...

fyazı.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Problem in the I2C1 peripherical?

Hi to all!I have an Nucleo-F767ZI board and I noticed a problem, in the I2C1 periperical.I have redirect the I2C1 pins on PB8 and PB9 for comodity and left PA6 and PA7 free and the I2C1 work well.After a couple of days, i have used the PA6 pin as out...

Luca1 by Senior
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STM32F302K8 I2C weirdness

I have noticed some very strange behavior with the I2C controller. It appears that when it has a slave address match, it sets the ADDR ISR flag and raises an interrupt ( if enabled ). If I have a breakpoint in the interrupt handler, the ISR BUSY fl...

psusi by Associate II
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