Our R&D team is trying to use more memory for GUI with STM32F469I.We found the way using QuadSPI interface from the document as below.Unfortunately, the hardware already has completed with parallel Nor Flash memory, S29GL128S-16MB.Is there any other ...
My STM32F769-disco is connected via built-in st-link 2.1 to my computer. I use the bypass USART for printf(). And that works OK for output data, whereas input data stuck before they come to USART->RDR and do up the RXNE flag indicating an interrupt.H...
I am using STM32L072RB MCU.I am trying to scan the devices connected to i2c bus (i2c2 and i2c3)following is my function#define DEBUG 1 void i2c_scan(void) { uint8_t *p_data; uint16_t addr_scan = 3 ; printf("I2C3 Address : "); //scanning ...
I bought a STM32F407VET6 Microcontroller board, but I am new to Microcontroller world and I never used other Microcontrollers board before. >>> Now, I am studying Electronics Engineering. I like to start with STM32 board but I don't know where to beg...
I am trying to implement the PMBUS on STM32 processor using SMBUS/PMBUS exapnsion package. I am able to execute the read and write commands. But when I am trying to execute the READ_OR_WRITE command for read operation then I receive only FF FF in the...
I'm working on NUCLEO G071RB board to measure current consumption MCU STM32G071RBT6 in LP SLEEP mode. I run the example https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeG0/tree/be65d071640424445aa265e8b9a058e44b8decb7/Projects/NUCLEO-G071RB/Examples/PW...
we are using stm32h745xg and I initialize DAC with timer 6 ,we enable DMA also.we are using following code static TIM_HandleTypeDef htim; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig; /*##-1- Configure the TIM peripheral ##################################...
Frequency range I'm looking for is from 60 kHz to 200 Khz. Here's the code I generated with Cube IDE. It initializes the GPIOs, ADC, and PWMs but I don't know how to integrate a potentiometer in this code and be able to vary the frequency of the comp...
Hello I have read on the reference manual that the CAN controller can be set to work as TTCAN by setting the TTCM bit. But comparing with the STM32H7 it seems that only the latter family has the TTCAN functionality.Someone has experience with that ?R...