I have a STM32G030K6T. Right now I can wake up from standby with either wake up pin falling or rising edge. How can I use both of these edges to wake up the device from stand-by?HAL_PWR_EnableWakeupPin documentation says/** * @brief Enable the WakeUp...
I am using the HAL library on a STM32L476RG and have been having trouble getting data out of a sensor. By looking at the signal with a scope I've noticed that the write bit of the device address is not being set when I try to write to the sensor's re...
Can I use the Wfe().and create a timer that triggers a event, if so how should it be done?I have a lot of interrupts that are triggered. that disturb my sleep mode.Best regards...PS: I have to sleep every 30 ms and then wake up again
I have an stm32L476RG and am trying to read data from a digital magnetometer (MMC5983MA). The I2C connection is working, and I am able to read the slave ID and the slave status. However, whenever I try to read data, it always returns 0x00 for all thr...
make -j4 all arm-none-eabi-gcc -o "P2P_Server.elf" @"objects.list" -lbep -lbep_diag -lbep_diag_hf -lbep_hf -mcpu=cortex-m4 -T"D:\kiran\new1\p2p\P2P_Server\P2P_Server\STM32CubeIDE\STM32WB55RGVX_FLASH.ld" --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,-Map="P2P_Server.map" -...
Hi everyone! I have simple question but i don't understand how to implement this. I want to setup bxCAN filters in such way that the CAN node will ignore only it's own messages. First idea is to use two ranges - two filters that will accept all messa...
hi,i want to flashing to flash but i have a problem If the flash is not entering memory map at all , the flashing is workingif memory map was activated, even once, the flashing is failing
The H7 MCU may be powered off by ex controller. At this suitation, can this unpowered MCU suffer other active IOs?
Hello,I'm using the H745ZI-Q and the CubeIDE. I want to configure the ADC clock but I can't find the clock settings mentioned in the documentation. Namely the adc_ker_ck. I found the AHB clock but with 240MHz it's a lot higher than specified in the d...