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STM32L072RB LPUART not working

Hi, I'm not being able to make LPUART work.What I tried:Use HAL drivers.Clock LPUART with LSE.Use different board.I also configured PB11 as output and it toggles normally.PB11: TX(output)PB10: RX(input)This is my code:LL_IOP_GRP1_EnableClock( LL_IOP_...

Can STM32F303 be programmed in multi-drop?

We have a system that uses hundreds of modules. Each module has 4 STM32F303 MCU's. Within a single module we would like to have one programming interface. Is there a means to program 4 MCUs with one programming interface?

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Hi everyone,I can write to flash of STM32F103, max value of uint32 variable 4294967294.It is possible to write when you write it to flash directly.But I want to write it to flash with uart receiving. But when I put the rows (which is writed Bold in c...

UUrcan by Associate II
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HAL_UART_Receive Timeout

Hello,I'm trying to understand: When will the HAL_UART_Receive function return HAL_TIMEOUT ?Will it happen only when the "Timeout" value has passed ?/** * @brief Receive an amount of data in blocking mode. * @note When UART parity is not enable...

skon.1 by Senior
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J14 on STM32H745IIK6 - VDD or VSS

There's an error either in the datasheet and CubeMX or in the IBIS and BXL files.In the datasheet and CubeMX, J14 pin on STM32H745IIK6 (UFBGA 176+25) is labeled as VSS, but in the BXL file (Altium SchLib) and in the IBIS file, it is labeled as VDD.Co...

DTomi.1 by Senior
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CAN Bus DATA IS NOT GETTING RECEIVE NOT BY POLLING NOR Rx NOTIFICATION INTERRUPT ITS STUCKs IN TO "HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage(&hcan1,CAN_RX_FIFO0,&Rx_Header,Rx_Data);" if this receive API we are using polling mode instead of interrupt one

As per CAN new API i have implemented as followed sequence:-MX_CAN1_Init();CAN_filterConfig(); if (HAL_CAN_Start(&hcan1) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); } if (HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(&hcan1, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_FULL |CAN_IT_TX_MAILBOX_EMPTY) != HAL_O...

STM32 I2C TXIS flag not set.

Hi I am using B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board and connected ToF sensor to I2C1 (PB8 and PB9).I am using the following I2C configuration: __HAL_RCC_I2C1_FORCE_RESET(); __HAL_RCC_I2C1_RELEASE_RESET(); I2cHandle1.Instance = ( I2C_Ty...