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STM32G031J6 stuck in non programmable mode

Hi there, during the development I have accidently flashed (via ST-LINKv2 SWD) two chips (stm32g031j6) with program which sets PA13 as INPUT, PC14 PWM OUTPUT and initiated hardware SPI (pins PA12, PA11, PA1). After flashing this program, chip does no...

Elektrik by Associate II
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SRAM reserved location usage

Hi, I am using STM32F779NI and Keil IDE. I have defined SRAM start area in Target options from0x20000000 with size as 0x80000. Now, I want to write a keyword at known location in the memory. The memory area should be selected such that incremental de...

A3 by Associate III
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Unstable ADC readings with STM32F030

Hello all I have a problem with unstable ADC readings with my STM32F030I use CubeMX to set up my device.My ADC init :static void MX_ADC_Init(void) {   /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC_Init 0 */   /* USER CODE END ADC_Init 0 */   ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sC...

MAern.1 by Associate
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Hi everybody, I'm currently trying to write a program on a STM32F303RE that measures an analog signal. I tryed to use the code from @[John Craven]​ but it didn't work. Can anybody help me?

In this post: Graven posted his Code which I took and changed it a bit for my purpose. Unfortunately my Buffer adc_buf and my vari...

JHins.1 by Associate
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How to read ADC on B-L475E board

I simply want to read A0 analog pin through terminal on Truestudio however after weeks of trying I need help. My step-by-step guide on what I have done is below:In STM32CubeMX I initialised all peripherals. I set PA0 as ADC1_IN5. I initialised ADC1_I...

JMerr.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! RS485 IT Reception error after initialization

Hello,We are switching from RS232 to RS485 and are encountering problems. Everything worked properly with RS232After initializing the USART (we are using Cube), transmitting is working fine.Reception is handled by interrupt. After calling HAL_UART_Re...

[STM32F412] Changing system clock issue

I am trying to change the system clock on my STM32F412 discovery board to 100 MHz using the HSI, however it just seems to crash. I am using direct writes to registers, but I looked at pregenerated CubeMX code and my registers look the same for the cl...

MB.2 by Associate III
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