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USART2 SR register issue

Dear community,I plan to use the USART2 of my STM32F407VE board for an IrDA communication (8N1, 115200 Baud @ 8 MHz fPCLK). I started with initializing my USART2 periphery on the register level (I don't use STM32CubeIDE). This seems to work fine. How...

AHass.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 external DAC sine wave problem.

Hi!I would like to make a wav. player using STM32 microcontroller. My first step was to generate a sine wave using STM32F103C8T6, SPI interface and external DAC MCP4921. However, it's not working.I attach the schematic of my device.I wrote 2 versions...

Andrei1 by Associate II
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This should be straightforward but I cant get it to work. I simply want to control the GPIO output of pin PG10 on the STM32F769I-EVAL board. I have removed all daughter cards, LCD and the Micro SD card. According to the datasheet, PG10 is connected t...

PW.1 by Associate II
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STM32F405RG USART DMA FIFO Error Problem

Hello, I am trying to use DMA with USART to transmit and receive data to buffers in internal RAM.I setup my DMA1_Stream4 as USART3_TX. However, after setting DMA control register, Peripheral address, memory address, number of data to transfer, Enabli...

LLOLO.1 by Associate II
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protect uart from being hacked

We welcome everyoneIs there a way to protect uart from being hacked!?For example:I have a device that uses gsm to send sensitive data.Anyone with a simple background can learn the uart pins and then put a logic analyzer or rx probe and then know ip a...

xmart by Associate II
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Resolved! Issue with AD conversions

We encountered a big issue with the ADC's in a project.The G4 device has 4 ADC's configured (ADC1, ADC2. ADC3, ADC5).ADC1 and ADC2 are sampled simultanious and triggered by HRTIMER1A interrupt with 4 channels each.ADC3 and ADC5 are in independent mod...

DBein by Associate III
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I have very basic questions about FMC

1. can I use FMC to interface with any kind data address oe cs device? 2. The device is not SDRAM or flash or any kind of memory, Does anybody have an experience with that? 3.The device is from the early 90's and works with 5V logic level, Can I use ...

IMor.1 by Associate II
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