Hi, I am using stm32l432kc nucleo and BMP280 sensor with I2c communication.During the debugging I realized that the data from the sensor is not updating, always 2481 (temp32 variable).Could you help me in this topic?Thank you in advance.Info:Used dri...
I am trying to use CAN on STM32743ZI eval board. . I am able to transmit and receive data in loopback mode successfully without any error but in normal mode I am getting transmit errors. The FDCAN interrupt registers are 0x31800000. It means that pr...
Dear community,I am programming an ST32F407VE for the first time (I don't use the Cube32IDE though). First, I made an on board LED blink, so I am pretty certain that my toolchain and framework work properly. In the next step, I wanted to implement a ...
Hi,I'm using a STM32G030 controller and I'm working with ADC Timer-triggered and DMA for storing the data. I need a quad-buffered DMA that generates an interrupt when 1/4 of the buffer has been filled. I'm not experienced with this so I'm asking some...
Hello, I'm trying to debug an custom board with STM32L010C6 and STLINK V2. The firmware download seems to work fine, but the debugging is not working. The execution stops here:0x1FF00220 4800 LDR r0,[pc,#0] ; @0x1FF00224I've already tried to brea...
Purpose: try to print "hello world" .Status: VCP shown in Device Manager as COM3. Putty can connect. Nothing displayed, tried other serial port debug tool. No success. simple code, except HAL_UART_Transmit, all others are auto-generated by CubeIDE. U...
I have a problem that the PWM timer stops working randomly, maybe once every 2 weeks on 4 prototoypes. The PWM signal is just high instead of the frequency it should do. I have added reset and recover but nothing seems to fix. Since I am not able to ...
I am using the STM32F407VET6 and SPL libraries. My goal is very straightforward, just send data over usart periodically.But when I send data (buttoncheck function) inside the timer interrupt it stucks " while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART3, USART_FLAG_TC...
I need to write to the 4kB battery backed SRAM to hold information across power cycles, but it's not working! To be more specific:The debugger memory display shows the correct data in SRAM after a write.The data is read successfully at any time other...