2020-12-07 2:11 AM
I was looking to the docs about flash/ART accelerator, and it was saying access through ART is only if done through ITCM not through AXI, and ITCM access is through 0020 0000. The (default project) linker description (of STM32CubeIDE) only has Flash at 0800 0000, and in disassembly I see addresses only at 0800 0000. Is the use of ART somehow automatic or implicit or should I explicitly do something to use that path (ITCM) -and actually if that is the case, why, what would be the reason not using the accelerator- ?
2020-12-07 3:52 AM
Which STM32?
AFAIK, there's no access to FLASH through ITCM in 'H7.
2020-12-07 4:44 AM
My bad, I believe actually there is no ART in H7. I was thinking both F7 and H7 has it.