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Hi Folks,Greetings!At my end have a STM32G474 HRTIM output driving a MOSFET gate driver such as IR2110.In some weird cases encountered, when the MOSFET blows up, it takes away with it thegate driver as well.Not in all cases, but in some situations, I...
Hi,Greetings!I have a Bourns Rotary encoder to PA11(ENCA)/TIM4_CH1 and PA12(ENCB)/TIM4_CH2.Trying to use the encoder as a input control for user input.This is what I am doing:  static...
Hi Folks,Greetings !With a Nucleo-G474RE MB1367C, with an onboard 32.768kHz crystal:I am trying to turn ON the LSE oscillator, but the LSE oscillator does not get RDY at all.This is what I tried to do:void SystemClock_Config(void) { LL_FLASH_SetLate...
Hi,I am trying to write a waveform table to the DAC peripheral using DMA and the TIM6 peripheral.TIM6 does appear to work as expected.I can also see the DMA getting triggered by means of TIM6_TRGO.But the DMA Transfer results in a Transfer Error, res...
Hi,Greetings!Wondering whether the following logic works:Configure TIM7 for a sampling rate of 48khz. TIM7 triggers DMA to fetch audio samples at this rate, dumps it into the DAC buffer.Is this the right path ?If so, how to go about with the dual cha...
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