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Resolved! Interfacing code of Ws2812b on stm32F1 is working but in a same way when i am trying it with Stm32F4 it is not working !!!!

TIM_HandleTypeDef htim3;DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_tim3_ch2;/* TIM3 init function */void MX_TIM3_Init(void){ TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0}; TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0}; htim3.Instance ...

Resolved! I have a question about the STM32H743...

If this device is powered-down (i..e voltage is 0 on all rails), what impedance will be presented by the Port pins? If a pin from a powered-down STM32H743 is connected to a pin on another (fully powered) device, what current drain will occur?

losing some isr

Hello dear experts,I am using the TIMER2 on stm32F446Re with TI1_ED as reset mode input and TIM2_CH4 as timer value capture input. I inserted code to toggle a gpio in the HAL_TIM_IC_callback. On the scope I am capturating the TIM2_IC4 signal and the ...

papageno by Associate III
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ADC DMA with TIM21 TRGO conversion source on STM32L010

I've got an application where I'm performing an ADC DMA transfer where the ADC conversions are triggered by the TIM2 TRGO. Everything was running smoothly until a PCB respin forced me to switch over to TIM21 to trigger the conversion. I didn't see a ...

DWann by Associate III
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Storing small data in internal flash

HI, we are working on STM32H750. in our program, we need to store 5 bytes in the internal flash. this data will be read everytime the device is powered on. the data will be changed whenever the settings are changed by the user. i.e. once in a while.M...

dv.13 by Associate II
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RTC backup date and time

Hi,I created this function in order to store the date and time. It works !But the problem is when I load date and time, the time is the last before turning off the system.void RTC_Init(void) { /* Restore the date form backup registers */ RTC_LoadDa...

MMerc.1 by Senior
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