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My target is select more slaves in callback I2C RX , I have tryed withvoid HAL_I2C_MasterRxCpltCallback(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c){   if (hi2c1.Instance->CR2 & I2C_CR2_SADD == I2C_ADDRESS) {.....}}but don't work !!When I try to use the field in static ...
I have 2 slave i2c interfaced with master , Im working with HAL_I2C_MasterRxCpltCallbackI want select the slaves based with slave address , then I using the register hi2c1.Instance->CR2 & I2C_CR2_SADD for select them :In the main I have :// slave 1H...
God moorning I trying to view the output of sprintf of float value on the terminal I/O using nucleo stm32L4.I am using IAR. but i see just 0.                char pippo_alb[20];                  sprintf(pippo_alb,"%g", 27);        In ''project options...
Im using STM32L4 how i2c master with 5 i2c slaves In stm32l1 when using callback i can detect device using :  if (hi2c->Devaddress == I2C_ADDRESS1) // slave 1  {}In STm32L4 don't exist hi2c->Devaddress ..Yu can help me .BR.Francesco
In my design i have 5 gpio that connecting my keypad , i have 3 row (gpio output ) an 2 col how input , one button keypad is ON/OFF.For me the OFF state corrrespond to sleep state .This is my problem -Before of while i enter i sleep mode :void PW...