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I've a question related to how AWD works in case of STM32G030 controller. As per my understanding, AWD analog watchdog status bit is set if the analog voltage converted by the ADC is below a low threshold or above a high threshold. These thresholds a...
I am using STM32G030K6 controller but it's unable to detect PVD. I would like to know whether it supports PVD or not. void HAL_MspInit(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 0 */   /* USER CODE END MspInit 0 */ PWR_PVDTypeDef sConfigPVD = {0};   ...
I am facing strange issue with STM32 IDE (Code Generated by Assembly code) C Code:case SET_TIMER: Gst_FlashMemoryData.u8_SetTimerMode = (uint8_t)u16_Display2Info - (uint8_t)START_TIMER_MODE_OFFSET; // START_TIMER_MODE_OFFSET is equal to 8 break;...
Hello,I am using NUCLEO-STM32G071RB hardware. I configure to detect PVD (falling edge) but it looks like it doesn't detect any interrupt./** * @brief Configures the PVD resources. * @param None * @retval None */ void PVD_Config(void) { /*...
Hello,I am facing a strange issue with STM32G0 RTC. As soon as I initialize RTC, it generates an interrupt and it never comes out of the interrupt. Same program was working previously and suddenly it started throwing this kind of issue. I am wonderin...