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Forum Posts

Trigger TIM2 using a GPIO as external trigger

Hi,on a STM32L451CE I try to make use of TIM2 timer. I want to start this timer on an external trigger event. From the device datasheet I know that the pin PA0 can be used with AF14 as a TIM2_ETR. However when I setup the timer it doesnt start counti...

SKrey.1 by Associate II
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Does an ISR violate ongoing I2C communication?

I am doing i2c reads in my while(1) loop. I do have an external interrupt source. I wonder, if the external interrupt arrives while data is being sent on i2c bus, what will happen? The mcu will enter to interrupt service routine clearly, will i2c per...

YAkse by Associate III
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LPUART baud rate

I have chosen the STM32L07 as it has a LPUART that, from my reading, is ideal for my project where I have to communicate with an SDI12 sensor running 1200-baud 7-bits even parity. When I try and change the 209700bits/s default in the STMCubeMX to 120...

Resolved! Hi, I am new to STM32. I am trying to get the RTC working on a nucleo F302R8 board. But the seconds are giving weird returns. I am not sure that minutes work properly either.

Here is the RTC initialization code:static void MX_RTC_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */ RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = {0}; RTC_DateTypeDef sDate = {0}; /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 1 */ /* USER CODE END RTC_Init 1 ...

GPapo.1 by Associate
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SPI DMA multimaster setup, buffert size issues

HelloIm working on a multimaster setup, but having alot of problems setting it up.the processor in use is stm32f765zgThis is my pin setup(msp):SPI2_SCK_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(); SPI2_MISO_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(); SPI2_MOSI_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(); SPI2_CS_G...

MBohm by Associate II
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