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Forum Posts

Hi, I have a STM32L476VG discovery board and I want to program it with jtag communication and PE micro multilink universal programmer and IAR IDE.

I have installed a firmware of ARM in PE programmer and I have connected NJRST, JTDI, JTMS, JTCK, JTDO, NRST of programmer to the board then I Chose PE as debugging driver in IAR IDE.but can not communicate with MCU.I have checked the wires connectiv...

MLee.10 by Associate
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CAN is not initialised when RTC enabled

I am designing the application that uses both CAN interface and RTC. I noticed some weired behaviour that I need to fix somehow. Directly after upload the application starts and CAN working properly. With battery present (there is power on VBAT) if I...

RP.2 by Associate
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Low Level I2C readByte out of sync

Hello,I am trying to implement a low level I2C readbyte function, currently trying to read out register 0x41 (TEMP_H) and 0x42 (TEMP_L) from an MPU9250. The issue is that when I debug print the values, it seems that TEMP_H_Buffer appears to have the ...

0693W000004JMIfQAO.png 0693W000004JMIkQAO.png 0693W000004JMIuQAO.png
SVans.1 by Associate
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Resolved! DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler doesn't get called

HiI am trying to do a simple USART communication via DMA (LL Drivers). I want to send two chars to my STM32F103 from my PC which are received by DMA. In the DMA RX transfer complete callback I want to send some text string, also via DMA back to the s...

PGroe.2 by Associate III
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use timer to decode pulse/step + direction signal?

STM32 timers can decode quadrature signals.STM32 timers can count external pulses.can STM32 timers do pulse counting AND take counting direction from a second external input?my current solution (on an STM32F303CB/CC, but also F103) is to let the time...
