Resolved! What constitutes the 16 in the baud rate equation?
Hi ,all.I wanted to understand where the 16 in this equation comes from, cna anyone epxlain?
Hi ,all.I wanted to understand where the 16 in this equation comes from, cna anyone epxlain?
DocID025832 Rev 5In Table 13. STM32F042x pin definitions, "TSSPOP20" instead of "TSSOP20".JW
I use cubemx (6.0.0) to generate ADC1 configuration code, for example, ADC1 channels 1, 2, and 3 are injection channels, and TIM1 channel 4 is used to trigger, and ADC1’s 4, 5 are Regular channel. STM32F4 can work very well. But STM32G4 does not wor...
I have installed a firmware of ARM in PE programmer and I have connected NJRST, JTDI, JTMS, JTCK, JTDO, NRST of programmer to the board then I Chose PE as debugging driver in IAR IDE.but can not communicate with MCU.I have checked the wires connectiv...
I am designing the application that uses both CAN interface and RTC. I noticed some weired behaviour that I need to fix somehow. Directly after upload the application starts and CAN working properly. With battery present (there is power on VBAT) if I...
Hello,I am trying to implement a low level I2C readbyte function, currently trying to read out register 0x41 (TEMP_H) and 0x42 (TEMP_L) from an MPU9250. The issue is that when I debug print the values, it seems that TEMP_H_Buffer appears to have the ...
HiI am trying to do a simple USART communication via DMA (LL Drivers). I want to send two chars to my STM32F103 from my PC which are received by DMA. In the DMA RX transfer complete callback I want to send some text string, also via DMA back to the s...
STM32 timers can decode quadrature signals.STM32 timers can count external pulses.can STM32 timers do pulse counting AND take counting direction from a second external input?my current solution (on an STM32F303CB/CC, but also F103) is to let the time...