Hello, I am using L031K6 for low battery sensor projectI made L031K6 to sense 3~4 channel of AC measure, so that currently using ADC-DMA for measure, and succesfully get 3 channel of AC databut additionaly, I want to make L031K6 sense temperature of ...
I wonder How Ican change the init value of the spi crc. the only thing I can see that I´m able to configure is SPI_HandleTypeDef *pSpiHandle; pSpiHandle->Init.CRCCalculation = SPI_CRCCALCULATION_ENABLE; pSpiHandle->Init.CRCLength = SPI_C...
The reference manual (RM0440 Rev4, page 1667 and page 1672), regarding the USART_ISR register, bit ABRE "Auto Baud Rate Error" says the following:Bit 14 ABRE:Auto baud rate errorThis bit is set by hardware if the baud rate measurement failed (baud ra...
Hello, I'm using STML052T8.I'd like to debug while STOP mode on MDK-ARM.How can I set up the MDK-ARM for STOP mode? I'd like to know if there is a caution as this the first time to use MDK-ARM.Thank you in advance.
Hello I would like to use the internal comparator output as an interrupter on falling or rising edge, the problem is I don't know where to start, the reference manual says that I need to configure the EXTI register but how do I do that, and with whic...
Hello. I'm playing with my stm32l152 discovery board. I've got lcd, buttons, leds working. I wanted to change my clock speed to 16Mhz HSI (default 2Mhz MSI) and problem started.To write my code I use RM - and I'm missing something. How this configur...
In DS12923 (Rev 1), it is stated that VOS0 is only available with LDO, but it is not clear if LDO-Only mode is required or SMPS-LDO cascaded mode is okay.First,3.5.3 Voltage regulator (SMPS step-down converter and LDO) says• Run mode (VOS0 to VOS3)– ...
I am using STM32F427 controller for my application development. I need CAN to work at 1Mbps. The Bit Timing parameters configured are BPR - 1, TSEG1 - 6, TSEG2 - 6 and SJW - 3. But these values are not working, when trying to capture the CAN message ...
Status from reads: WUTE is enabled, WUT shows what I set, RTC is enabled, and the WUTF flag is correctly being set every so often (and manually being cleared during GPIO interrupts I'm troubleshooting with).What's not happening: The EXTI interrupt is...