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Forum Posts

Resolved! DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler doesn't get called

HiI am trying to do a simple USART communication via DMA (LL Drivers). I want to send two chars to my STM32F103 from my PC which are received by DMA. In the DMA RX transfer complete callback I want to send some text string, also via DMA back to the s...

PGroe.2 by Associate III
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use timer to decode pulse/step + direction signal?

STM32 timers can decode quadrature signals.STM32 timers can count external pulses.can STM32 timers do pulse counting AND take counting direction from a second external input?my current solution (on an STM32F303CB/CC, but also F103) is to let the time...


Problem with USART2 of stm32 f446ze

Hi, I am also new to stm32 micro controllers. I am trying to use UART2 of my microcontroller which is not default(It is not connected with the ST-Link, hence no virtual COM PORT), I am using a USB to TTL connector(TX,RX and GND) for this, I am taking...

MAziz.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Has the application note AN5419 been released yet?

I want to build a system based on the STM32H735ZGT6. The data sheet (page 115) refers to application note AN5419 "Getting started with STM32H723/733, STM32H725/735 and STM32H730 Value Line hardware development". However, I cannot find it.

Charly by Associate
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How can i handle two UART ports in one STM32?

Hello,I have questions about handling multiple UART ports.​Connections are;PC <--USB VCP--> STM32(1) <--UART1--> STM32(2) <--UART2--> Target deviceTwo STM32 are both L412K series,And I wanna make a application which forwards data to the target device...