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There is only one RS-232 connector on the stm3240g-eval.I need all 6 UARTS from the STM32F407IG on board.Preferably RS422.Is it possible to use lines from the daughter board connector?
I would like to test STM32F4/L4/H7 based boards with emulated testing software on a PC.I need to test all standard serial communication protocols along with injecting external PPS or interrupt.I need an PCI or USB adaptors or cards, and a software AP...
Hi I want to detect a GPIO turning low/high in less than 1 mili/sec granularity.I can use an interrupt (edge) or I can busy/wait with HAL_GPIO_ReadPin which would be in 1 mili/sec granularity because of the systick.Is there any other way of doing tha...
Hi Is it possible to disable the ETM on STM32H743?I know It possible to disable the tracing via trace pins or reading the trace data at low speeds using Jtag, but is it possible to disable the CPU from recording instructions into the ETM?Is that what...
The size of system memory on STM32H743 is 2 sectors of 128KB each.What is the size of the option bytes block?
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