2021-01-28 7:25 AM
What is the maximum alarm length in the G070. I only see about 30days.
I need 6 months.
I guess I could implement one using the TAMP_BKPxR registers and compare the RTC DR , TR with the alarm values I have store in the TAMP regs. ( stripping out the WDU)
I only need to check the alarm on start up.
2021-01-28 7:34 AM
Set alarm to the longest time possible, wake up and check if you have to delay for another step or if you wake up for the real event.
2021-01-28 7:59 AM
You can also run the RTC with a higher divider, i.e. not at the nominal speed but slower.
2021-01-28 9:00 AM
I am using the RTC for time stamps to a log, so I can't change the clock. I could set a 24hr alarm and check for the 6 month period, but I just need to check on startup, it'll be on/off multiple times a day.
So the RTC DR and TR regs are formatted such that his will work...
My Alarm date is stored in 2 TAMP regs in the same format as the DR and TR regs.
// read TAMP regs 0 & 1 and see if the alarm time has passed.
uint32_t alarm_timereg = BACKUP_TR_REG; // TAMP_BKP0R
uint32_t alarm_datereg = BACKUP_DR_REG; // TAMP_BKP1R
// read out both to prevent lock
uint32_t trreg = RTC->TR;
uint32_t drreg = RTC->DR & ~RTC_DR_WDU_Msk; // remove Weekdays
// Check Enable bit
if(alarm_timereg & ALARMX_ENABLE){ // strip enable bit from TAMP reg to check alarm, I store the alarm enable in the TAMP reg
alarm_timereg &= ~ALARMX_ENABLE;
if(drreg >= alarm_datereg){ // format of time reg is PM, H,M,S, date reg is Y,M,D
if(trreg >= alarm_timereg){
return(1); // Alarm date has passed
} // end if enabled
return (0);
Seems to work ok, even for 12 hour am/pm settings.