2021-01-28 8:02 AM
2021-01-28 8:31 AM
FAT32 system supports only 2^32 (4GB) files max
Instead use exFAT for unlimited file size.
Format the card with exFAT option . FATFS supports exFAT
2021-01-28 8:47 AM
2021-01-28 8:53 AM
Yeah, you'd probably need to get a lot more aware of the limitation of 32-bit variables. You'd need to be using 64-bit for all the manipulation, and I'm not sure if FatFs is optimized for that end of things.
Large files get to be unmanageable, the FAT chains can get very long. For long term logging consider if there is a better way to split files, ie daily or weekly
2021-01-28 9:05 AM
we write file from a camera around 1GB some smaller , so you think we should split that file up into small parts when writing ?