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Forum Posts

2 micro second period with pwm output in stm32f373RCT6

Hi!,I am trying to generate pulse with PWM output with 2 micro second period and 50% duty cycle on STM32F373RCT6 on custom board. I have used Timer5.APB1 frequency is 70MHz.Prescalar value is 69 to generate counter clock frequency of 1MHz.ARR value i...

GAGGA.1 by Associate II
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STM32f4 uart receive data shifting

HelloI use the Nextion intelligent display with STM32f4 . Display communicate according to UART protochol. I can communicate but receive data is shifting .uint8_t Rx_data[4]={0,0,0,0}; // receive data void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *...

IDANI.1 by Associate
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Resolved! For some reason SysTick gets freezed in the USART_RxCpltCallback() even when systick priority is lower than USART priority, why?

Hi all, how are you?, I'm adapting some libraries for nextion HMI's to use with STM32F4 MCUs, then one of them uses the MCU timer which in my case is systick to determine if time has expired, the function is the following/* * Receive string data. *...

VRami.1 by Associate III
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Help with DMA Controller becoming unresponsive

Hello,I am having an issue with DMA1 getting "stuck" during operation. While DMA1 is stuck, DMA2 continues to run without any issues. I realize that this is likely a race somewhere, however I am hoping for any insight into how or why the DMA controll...

MJ.1 by Associate II
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Need a suggestion for LPC2468 replacement

The company has a very old product with LPC2468. I need a replacement from STM32. Please give me a suggestion. The device is powered by 2 AA batteries, has a black-white LCD, and a micro-USB port for connection to PC. I want to keep the same power co...

JLei.1 by Associate
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H743 - SPI weird patterns on CLK/MOSI

Hello,I am experiencing some weird patterns on one of the 3 SPI buses on CLK and MOSI.This project was initially developed off a nucleo H743ZI3. I am using 3 SPI ports, 2 of which I have no problem with. These 2 are used to communicate with another M...

Smoun.1 by Associate III
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