Hi,I wanted to Erase and write data to select Flash memory location.I have Nucleo-L4R5ZI kit and have example Flash erase code available for L4 series which I ported to R5ZI.As you can see, the example code has two portions:Erases the page(s) which w...
On stm32L010RB datasheet and on STM32L0x0 reference manual (RM0451) I found 512 bytes (category 5 devices) place at 0x0808 0000.Using STlink utility program, erase sector shows 2 banks of 0xc00 bytes starting at the same address, for a total of 0x18...
In the STM32G4 reference manual, section 30.8.15 has TIM16 and TIM17 OR1 at address offset 0x50. This register is used to enable the HSE/32 input to TIM16/17 for measuring the frequency of the HSE clock. In section 30.8.22, the register map summary...
Hi, I am using stm32l432kc nucleo and BMP280 sensor with I2c communication.During the debugging I realized that the data from the sensor is not updating, always 2481 (temp32 variable).Could you help me in this topic?Thank you in advance.Info:Used dri...
I am trying to use CAN on STM32743ZI eval board. . I am able to transmit and receive data in loopback mode successfully without any error but in normal mode I am getting transmit errors. The FDCAN interrupt registers are 0x31800000. It means that pr...
Dear community,I am programming an ST32F407VE for the first time (I don't use the Cube32IDE though). First, I made an on board LED blink, so I am pretty certain that my toolchain and framework work properly. In the next step, I wanted to implement a ...
Hi,I'm using a STM32G030 controller and I'm working with ADC Timer-triggered and DMA for storing the data. I need a quad-buffered DMA that generates an interrupt when 1/4 of the buffer has been filled. I'm not experienced with this so I'm asking some...