The STM32F051C8T6 is currently unavailable on the market. It is liste as an active part but lead times are currently many months. I have a working PCB and firmware for this MCU. I would like to switch to an alternative MCU of this family without rewo...
I'm trying to run SPI2 (Master Receive Only) such that it continuously DMAs data from the slave. The problem is, it only works when I step over the HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA line... at which point I see SCLK, and it will run forever, until I "resume" th...
Im trying to reduce power by putting the a STM32l031 to sleep between timer interupts. It goes to sleep but never wakes upvoid HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef * htim) { if (htim -> Instance == TIM21) { Strobe++; if (Strobe==8352){ ...
I'm trying to generate a cascade of DMAs:1) HRTIM trigger ADC. 2) On ADC conversion completion, DMA ADC results to memory.3) On ADC DMA transfer complete, DMA memory to different peripheral.When a DMA occurs, the DMA request multiplexer generates bot...
I am unable to communicate with the MCU via UART (115200 bit/s). It looks like the program inside MCU is not running. I think the problem can be probably in not running LSE 32.768kHz crystal oscillator.Is it possible to enable LSE clock on PA8 if I h...
Hi there,I am trying to do some digital signal processing on a STM32G031F6 by interfacing an SPH0645 MEMS microphone via I²S. I'm running into strange issues however, that I haven't been able to solve in the last few days. I am switching to an analog...
Hello.Very frequently I end up chasing problems that not suppose to be in first place.Here is example ( making 32b counter of 16b by counting overflows)volatile void Delay_ms(uint32_t ms) // delay in ms { time = 0; time_start = LPTIM2->CNT; o...
Just started to migrate to the ARM compiler 6 and I noticed __weak is incompatible language extension in this version and it needs to be written __attribute__((weak)).In STM32F4 HAL Drivers and almost all of the STM32 MCUs, there are lots of function...