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Good Day I homeone can help me.I am using the Nx_Iperf project as a baseline for my MQTT implementation. I have application working and connectinf to the MQTT server and subscribe as well as publish works.As I am now testing the code, I constantly ge...
Good dayI am using the STM32WL55 chip for a project. I did preliminary tests using the NUCLEO-WL55JC2 Development board.I created a custom PCB following the design of the Development board.When I program the custom board with the same firmware that w...
Good dayHas anyone integrated MQTT on the STM32H563ZIT?I managed to get the Nx_iperf running on my custom board, but I need some help on integrating MQTT into this.I have never used Azure RTOS and any help would be appreciated 
Good dayI downloaded the STM32CubeH5-main folder from github. I am using the STM32H563 Processor and need to get MQTT working. It is a custom board and I already managed to import exampled from ST (using "Import STM32Cube example" option).I susccessf...
Good day I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I was quite successful on other dev kits to import examples. I have downloaded en.stm32cubef2-v1-9-4 from the ST website and I am trying to import some of the examples from th eProjects->NUCLEO-F207ZG->...
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