I think I am in the wrong place
can anybody tell me how to get in the Black Pill fourum ?
can anybody tell me how to get in the Black Pill fourum ?
Hi Team,STM32F407 running on STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.8.0 with the following init configuration,void USBFIFO_FSMCConfig(void){ FSMC_NORSRAMInitTypeDef FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure; FSMC_NORSRAMTimingInitTypeDef p; p.FSMC_AddressSetupTime = 0X00;/...
I have gotten the 16-bit data transfers individually working where each DMA stream would write to memory in half-world fashion. For this application it would make more sense to write 16-bit data from GPIO port I to the lower half of a 32-bit word and...
Hi All,We are planning to use STM's STM32H750VB in our design.We need 1 QSPI port from the MCU.We saw in the reference manual following 2 things: 1. In block diagrams (page 883) it is mentioned as if we can enable dual-flash mode (8 bits) and disable...
Hello, Thanks for wonderful support I am working on STM32F407X mcu DMA program and want to understand when will DMA underrun and overrun happens. This is not explained in any of the ST documents even though the RM mentions this>>>>>>>>>When burst tra...
I'm using the Nucleo H743ZI2 right now and have mostly just been using the pins accessible through the ZIO connectors (CN7, CN8, CN9, CN10). I'm wondering about the main purpose of the Morpho connectors (CN11 and CN12). I've noticed most of the Morph...
Hi guys, for some reason I can't this working for the life of me.I am trying to implement a DMA with Uart Transmission with a one shot, reason being is that I noticed with the DMA on circular mode it just transfers whatever is in the buffer even ther...
The steps that I followed :1. Configured micrcontroller added UART Rx, UART Tx and Serial wire Viewer 2. In main.c in the infinite while loop added (HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "HELLOWORLD ", 12, 100) ../Core/Src/main.c:100:35: warning: pointer targe...
Hi,I have a problem to generate a code for MKD or IAR EWARM on CubeMX.I have a NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q development board.I can generate the code for others MCU or Nucleo Botrads, but i have seen that this problem is only related to any MCU with dual core lik...
Dear All,I am working on a new design with STM32F745 and an external ADC of 2-3 Msps range.I have two ADCs candidates: LTC1403A (14 bits/2.8Msps/SPI) and AD7274 (12bits/3Msps/SPI). Please find attached datasheet for your reference.The maximun SPI fre...