The processor never wakes up from STOP1 mode and I do not know why.Reading RTC time and date works, so I know the RTC clock is running. With debugger (using HAL_EnableDBGStopmode()), I notice that the firmware is stuck in __WFI()I'm using STM32Cube_F...
Hi, we're trying to port an application from a F7 chip to the STM32H7 mostly for the purpotedly better performance of the ADC on the H7. However, we've run into an issue I'm not sure I can explain. I'm using the H747 Disocvery board as a prototype at...
Hi. I have two sensors connected to an STM32f410r8t6, where they send a high signal whenever new data is ready to be read. Pin connections are as follows: PC9 (GPIO_EXTI9) -> INT_IMU2PC7 (GPIO_EXTI7) -> INT_IMU1I have them setup as follows in the ioc...
Hello,I am having problems with STM32C8T6 interfacing with TI ADS8317.Long tail at SDO line (first & second image)The seperation time between each byte is always significantly long (not sure if this is a problem) ( second image)Second image is the en...
Hello everybody,I use the DISCO L475VG_IOT1A board with the onboard Wi-Fi module Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44.I would like to start an access point with an HTTP server.I use this MBED example:
We are using STM32h745XI board with external memory. But the DISCO board has two QSPI flash 64MB each and total of 128MB. Where as in our custom board we used only one chip as 64MB.But in the project file there is no flash algorithm file for 64MB onl...
Hello, I need a hardware / programming guide and IDE support for STiH207-IKB. Where can I get those information ? Thanks a lot.
USART3TX--PB10RX--PB11DE-RE--PE15 /*Configure GPIO pin : PE15 */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_4; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_MEDIUM; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &G...